Jazzercise Logo

London, Essex, Kent




Jazzercise London Essex Kent (LEK) are streaming workouts exclusively for our members via our Jazzercise LEK BAND (BAND app or BAND.us) on Monday's, Tuesday's, Wednesday's, Friday's and Saturday's.

Classes are streamed live from within our PRIVATE BAND 'invite only' group.  If you are a current member and you haven't joined us for our live-streaming, please contact Nikki so she can add you to our members WhatsApp group and send you an invite to the LEK BAND group.

Head to the JazzerciseLEK BAND 5-10 minutes before class starts to join us for the LIVE workout.  Make sure you say hello and leave us comments or a selfie after class. 

Unfortunately, due to music licencing we are unable to post the class videos from our BAND classes after the workout has ended.

Below are our weekly schedules: 

Jazzercise LEK BAND

Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday mornings.

Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday evenings.